
Great news, the pool will be open during the week of the US Open.  Originally the pool was going to be closed based on information that many of the houses in Woodlake were going to be rented to US Open spectators.  For better or worse, the rental scenario did not happen.  Since the weather will be good, and we could be trapped in our neighborhood the Board has decided it is in the best interest of our neighborhood to keep the pool open.

Remember, the pool is open to residents and their escorted guests.  US Open renters are not allowed to use the pool and those home owners that rent their house for the event and allow US Open renters to use the pool will assume all liability associated with this and lose pool privileges for an indefinite period of time.

There will be no life guard on duty this week.

Finally, the parking area by the pool is closed and those vehicles parked in it will be towed.

Have fun and see you at the pool.

By Carmelle

Friendly Reminders


  • Please drive slowly, especially during the summer months when more pedestrians are walking, running, riding bikes as well as children playing.
  • Please remember to leave porch lights on at night for property safety as well as lighting to help with the absence of street lights in our neighborhood. Otherwise our neighborhood can be very dark, which is more inviting to home invasion.
  • Please be mindful of foliage such as ivy, blackberries etc. that are intrusive and growing in to your neighbors yard from your property.
  • We will be in contact in regard to future findings with Archon and the island trees, no parking signs for the U.S. Open and resealing the streets.
By Carmelle

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 by Mr. Vomacka, Mr. Deskins 2nd, passed.

I. Introductions
A. Board members
B. Residents
II. Review of last year’s minutes
A. Motion to approve by Mr. Dalziel, Ms. Neighbors 2nd, passed.
III. Review of list of accomplishments
A. See attachment
IV. Financial
A. 2014/15 Budget review and 2015/16 proposed budget
1. Motion to approve by Mr. Storey, Mr. Archer 2nd, passed
2. Q & A
i. Island tree removal (to be discussed during 5-year plan)
V. Covenants
A. Violations to date
1. 19 violations in past year; all but 1 in compliance
B. Refer to website for current covenants
C. Procedure will be modified as needed during US Open
1. i.e., Punitive action to be taken immediately if deemed necessary by board
2. Residents requesting “No Event Parking” signs posted near entrance
VI. 5-Year plan
A. Arborist (Archon) to continue assessment
B. Island tree removal
C. Common area tree removal
D. Island beautification
E. Greenbelt underbrush
F. 83rd Ave greenbelt clean up (entrances)
G. 58th/89th greenbelt clean up (entrances)
H. Emergency fund savings
F. Q & A
1. Contact arborist regarding time table on tree life for all hazardous trees
i. City should claim responsibility?
2. Can we include opening an area for a big toy?
3. Is it time for the streets to be resealed? Contact city for answer.
4. Should we consider installing speed bumps on Woodlake Drive?
i. City won’t allow it (Fire Dept.)
ii. Ask residents to slow down if you see them speeding
5. Ask for estimate on new street lighting
6. Can neighbors make sure their front porch and lamp lights are working/being used?
7. Should we consider installing security cameras at the pool?
8. Add to website: notice regarding ivy overgrowth
VII. US Open parking
A. City to be strictly enforcing parking limitations
VIII. Pool
A. 2015 Lifeguard introduction (same 2 as previous year)
B. Updated pool authorization forms, signs, keys
C. Reminder of pool rules
D. Pool will be closed during week of US Open
E. Thank you for renovation; looks great!
F. Alteration of lifeguard schedule
1. M,W,F,S,S (no lifeguard present Tuesdays, Thursdays)
G. There are adults-only pool hours
H. Q & A
1. Is an incident report filed should something happen? Yes, if needed.
2. Do we need lifeguards? Yes, they have more duties than strictly swimmer safety.
IX. Social
A. Garage sale July 10th, 11th 9a-5p
1. No fee this year
2. Advertising via free media
B. Neighborhood night out is August 4th
X. Volunteers for new board members
A. Mr. Storey volunteered to be Covenants member
XI. Volunteers/Community service hours
A. Contact board if someone is looking to donate time to Woodlake
XII. Call in suspicious activities around the neighborhood
A. One suspect has been arrested for mail theft from Woodlake

Meeting adjourned @ 8:19, motion by Mr. Dalziel, Mr. Neighbors 2nd, passed.

By Carmelle