Pond clean up and repair project underway

We have drained the pond and are currently in the process of having it cleaned by a contractor certified to clean water collection ponds and water ways. We received his information for a list of recommended contractors by Pierce County and he will be onsite until the clean up project is completed. We will also be inspecting the condition of the 40 year old liner and making repairs as needed. We are then going to repair or replace the fountain pump that recently stopped working. In addition we are also looking into adding aeration, testing our well supply and pressure and looking into a scheduled maintenance plan to help with water quality and clarity of our pond. This project has required countless hours and time consuming research and we are all looking forward to getting our pond repaired and looking good again. We are very appreciative of the time and effort by our Volunteer board members and also Mr. Richardson. Your time spent investigating the many different aspects of this project has made a big difference and without your help we would not be where we are at today.


By Carmelle