Pond Area Update


We have been working to try to clean up the pond islands and pond water.  We have successfully cleaned up the pond islands and are currently in the process of applying wood chips to keep down weeds and give it a nice uniform appearance. The wood chips are free and will tie in with the entrance area that was previously chipped.  
Larry Ramos has graciously offered to volunteer his time and take on the pond area. He has been working very hard on cleaning it up and researching our pond water issues.  We are thankful for his willingness to volunteer and help out.  Unfortunately the Pond water is currently experiencing two algae blooms and it take a while to clear up.  Our 40 year old pond has several water issues including algae blooms, below surface weeds, lack of circulation, outdated electrical service and a very old and temperamental blacktop liner.  The Pond is a large body of water and is proving to be time consuming and difficult to find companies willing to come out and service our pond.  We have submitted water samples and had them tested to determine what we are dealing with.  We are currently in the process of attempting to obtain the correct product to use to remedy our situation.  Larry has spent numerous hours of personal time researching various water products, obtaining professional advice, available companies, locating vender’s and even attending informational classes on pond management and other options available to us.  Please know we are doing what we can, we are dealing with a very large time consuming old pond that has several issues.  We are on a limited budget and everyone’s time is at a premium.  

By Aaron Cavelti