Pond Update


Below is a list of the most up to date and recent information in regard to the pond project. We have piping and wiring issues we are dealing with as we are trying to finish up this project. With this information we will determine the best and most cost effective way to proceed. To date there has been a tremendous amount of repair work that has been completed and there is a considerable amount left to finish up. We have been able to do the majority of this work for the cost of materials because we are fortunate to have residents that are skilled and knowledgeable in these areas and are willing to volunteer their time. Much appreciation and thanks goes out to Lee Richardson, Tom Purcela ( Resident volunteer’s ) and Mike Cooney for the many hours you have spent fixing our pond pipes, wiring and recent electrical issues.

1. All the pipes in the man hole that feed the pond were almost rusted shut.

2. All of the pipes needed to get the well water to flow have been replaced.

3. The Pump was taken apart and re built. It is working and pressure has returned.

4. Once the clogged pipes were replaced everything was connected back to the original configuration to test the condition of the underground pipes. The large pipe that fed the fountain is no longer usable. It is to clogged and very little water flows out of it . The small pipe that is used to provide water to the divert-er pipe by the bridge still seems to be in usable shape.

5. Since we can no longer use the large pipe, it needs to be cut down and sealed.

6. We need to determine best route for fountain and the pump that is in man hole. The issue concerns circulation, the need for the additional pump, clogging issues and if fountain will accept water fed from a remote pump? We will discuss this and determine best path when schedules coordinate.

7. Using schedule 40 2 inch PVC with 2 inch rubber hose used to connect the pipes together will make it easier to maintain, more flexible to move around if needed, and less expensive.

9. The wiring for the electrical timers used to turn on the old fountain pump and the well have some issues. Several damaged areas were located and are in process of being fixed.

10. We also need to patch some spots in the pond area as soon as the weather cooperates.

By Carmelle Tagged